Happy New Year 🌍

Our first tweet this year is about the earth itself. The soil, because without this nothing would exist. So lets take a little journey under our feet.

Here are a few facts 🪱
There is more life below the soil surface than there is above.
This includes the burrowing animals such as moles and earthworms.
Many soil creatures are not much bigger than the head of a pin but most are microscopic and beyond our limited vision.
In just 1 tsp of healthy soil there are approximately.
Up to 500 million bacteria.
Up to 20 million Actinnomycetes
Around 1 million Fungi
Up to 1 million Yeast
Around 500,000 Protazoa
Up to 500,000 Algae
Anything from just 10 up to 5000 Nematodes

A teaspoon of life 🪱🌍
When the earth is exposed trillions of these microscopic species are incinerated by ultra violet light.
They are also compacted by large industrial machinery.

A ploughed field is soil life decimation.
To help with this loss of fertility we throw approximately 200.5 million tonnes of fertilizer globally onto the surface of our earth.
Nitrogen runoff from farms has contaminated surface & groundwater & helped create massive “dead zones” in coastal areas, like the Gulf of Mexico
So what can we do?

First of all lets just take a few minutes to think about what is beneath our feet. The huge microbiome and all its inhabitants. We would not be here if it was not for them.

We must learn a new way of being. A veganic way. With absolute reverence for ALL life
As vegans we must try to keep our sacred earth covered to protect and nourish our soil life.

The life unseen is being hit hard and awareness is everything.

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