1-5 DHS was created after 911 to better protect America from foreign-based attacks. Now, the breech of the Capitol points to an ongoing failure of anticipating domestic-based threats even where intel is publicly accessible. The clear tactical missteps of the Capitol Police ..
2-5 .. one was murdered, point to failed leadership, not to dramatically outnumbered rank-and-file following orders. So who was giving orders? The colossal failures extend to chain of command, intel, communication and imagination at the highest levels. The domestic insurrection
3-5 .. did not go unnoticed by our enemies who witnessed how relatively easy it was to quickly get to the inner sanctum of the Capitol where elected officials including the Vice President were conducting the people’s business. They did it without weapons or professional training.
4-5 The People’s House, a magnificent symbol of our enduring Republic, need not be a fortress but it must be protected from those who would disgrace themselves by attacking it. We can never again give the enemies of ordered liberty a propaganda victory over democratic ideals.
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