Right now state actors (whomever they maybe) are looking at the US and are thinking, the conservatives (who are believe to be the biggest threat) outside of the military aren’t organized. And the left believe they are.
If there are indeed state actors facilitating.....
activities stateside, we are in bad shape.

The environment is currently being shaped for America’s future, and some country is making plays.

As a nation we are divided, misled, and have wondered into a world of uncertainty. Whomever is pulling the strings knows....
A divided nation is easiest to conquer than a unified nation.

Question I have had since Trump took office was he a Ponzie, or some type of political far right fall guy to make wild assertions or reminders of America’s racist pass?
Or is Trump the result of America’s deep rooted political establishment where wealth is created, protected, and schemed?

I would love to see our politicians net worth during the pandemic, and where the wealth they generating is being harvested, and if we....
as everyday citizens have access to the same opportunities. When we speak of freedom, we do so understanding that it meant for all, and not just for the select. It’s also understood, that all parties are willing to relinquish any and all power.....
seized once established rule and governance has been established to the people.

This being said, I may just throw my hat into the political cesspool and reunite our nation, placing every citizen of equal ground by running for POTUS
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