1. On Fri. 8 Jan. Military Intel Contact said to keep phones on, charged and ready for Tier 4B notification as the RV release was being expedited and our start was at any time.
2. Larger bond holders were paid overnight Thurs. 7 Jan. and had access to funds on Fri. 8 Jan. and over the weekend. This would provide liquidity for a Tier 4B start any time through the weekend and into next week.
3. Some would be notified through email of a Safe Link Website used to obtain an appointment to exchange/ redeem. As soon as we obtained that Safe Link Website it would be posted here and on various Dinar websites.
4. Tier 4B would be given at least 7-8 days to do Zim redemption and exchange foreign currencies at special rates, after which the general public would be notified that they could exchange foreign currencies at the new International Rates.
5. The RV release was always planned to be part of White Hat action to hamstring the [D]eep State rats financially around the globe. Over the past weeks POTUS and the DoD White Hats have only let things play out because they have been waiting for all players to commit to...
6. ... their positions. This was a chess game where POTUS and the White Hats have responded with a check-mate against the [D]eep State Rats.
7. Because of the ongoing coup, overnight on Wed 6 Jan Trump was relocated to Dyess AFB in TX and the White House was put on full lockdown indefinitely.
8. POTUS flew on a "Night Watch" Boeing E-4b Military Command and Control Aircraft to Dyess Air Force Base south of Abilene TX – the National Military Command Center (NMCC) that controlled all US military assets globally. POTUS was there to release Disclosure.
9. That [D]eep State Coup has now been completed. Now POTUS and the DoD White Hats could respond accordingly with Declassification and Disclosure of evidence, unseal the indictments and make arrests –...
10. ... even as [D]eep State politicians in DC were desperately attempting a 25th amendment illegal ouster of Trump before 20 Jan. 

POTUS and DoD White Hats were now having to decide how to handle the Vatican's [D]eep State involvement with the CIA and British MI6 in...
11. ...2020 Election Fraud, plus how to sort that out with Italy being a NATO ally of the USA. Our Military Intel Contact confirmed that we were in a state of federal government civil war and that legal circles were saying that the Congress was in Washington "Committing Treason."
12. POTUS and the White Hats have directed the US Attorney General for Utah, John Huber, to unseal those 220,000+ sealed indictments against [D]eep State Rats and start Mass Arrests (federal court records http://PACER.GOV ).
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