I don’t often get to sit down with a filmmaker for an honest discussion about what they’re going through after their film was poorly received.
Normally, people act like it never happened, and if you bring it up, you’ll get a short, terse answer.
When Rami Yasin’s #Bloodline dropped on MBC Shahid VIP at the end of October, it was demolished online. Across Egypt and the region, there are still videos and memes circulating to mock it.
I first met Rami years ago, and I couldn’t stop thinking what this must be like for him. I expected to one day have that convo in private, if at all. Instead we did it on the record for an hour and a half on the morning of New Year’s Day. It was a very emotional conversation.
I tried to capture Rami’s heart here, both what this movie means to him and why, as well as how he’s processing its reception. It’s an experience many have gone through but few vocalize in public. It’s part of the life of a creative.
In print today in KSA
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