It's been actually incredible to watch Trump implode and suddenly I really, for the first time, truly understand why other politicians go to great lengths to be gracious in defeat.
Like, if he'd just mumbled a bit but ultimately accepted the loss and focussed his energy into 2024, we'd go into a political climate eager to "forgive" and reach out to the right, and nearly overly eager to hear out their "concerns" and try appease them.
By 2024, a lot of people will have forgotten the worst bits about Trump's presidency and would have been open to falling for the clown act all over again. They'd also have a nice list of reasons why they hate Biden by then. Trump could have walked back into the Whitehouse.
Instead, we might actually be going into a political climate that is open to and even interested in seeing some actual pushback against the right - for the first time in who knows how long.
It's been the most fun watching conservatives scramble as they try to decide if they should stick to their guns defending Trump - hoping his magic will still work for them - or jump ship now.
Big social media companies finally making decisions that have a long-term impact is particularly interesting, because it means people who care only about the bottom line have decided the far-right is toxic for business and will be for the forseeable future.
Trump lost the election, but he could have kept everything else, including a solid chance at regaining the presidency. If he wasn't the most spectacular loser in history, he'd still be on Twitter today.
Trump didn't just screw himself with how he's responded as well, he's screwed the entire GOP. It will take them years to recover from this. It's actually possible he's done more harm to the entire Republican image in the last few weeks than he did in 4 entire years.
It's actually spectacular.
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