Racism is used as a means to separate the lower classes and stop the chance of uprisings against the ruling classes. If a poor white person has nothing, what can they cling on to? Their whiteness, so they’re not completely at the ‘bottom of the pile’. It’s disgusting but it’s
something that’s been pushed on the lower classes for centuries. Don’t be angry at the rich white guy paying you buttons, be angry at the poor black or brown person willing to work for less than you. It distracts people from who the real enemy is.
It’s probably the most intelligent tool of capitalism to keep people in their place. How can you fight the ruling class when you’re too distracted hating people who are as bad off as you? America is such a shit show because there’s such a lack of class consciousness, massive
inequality and terrible workers rights. People are angry, and rightly so. When people are desperate and angry they look for an enemy and the ruling classes give them one. Black people, Jewish people, immigrants...
The enemy is never your fellow working class person. The enemy is capitalism, capitalists, it’s the rich and powerful, the owners of the means of production. Join a union and get angry at the right people
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