As it seems that everyone right of centre will be purged from this platform in due course, whilst acknowledging that my lowly position means it’ll be a while before they get around to me I thought I’d go for broke whilst I’m still here.

Here goes.

Parody accounts aren’t funny.
Men & women are different.

Tax cuts are good. They stimulate economic growth & let people spend more of their own money.

Alcohol is enjoyable. So is sugar.

Judge people on merit, not gender or ethnicity.

There is such a thing as the canon in the arts. Good, better, best.
I don’t care what box sets you’ve watched.

Cycling enthusiasts are weirdly culty and self-righteous. Which is unfair on a perfectly good form of transport.

America is a force for good in the world.

Capitalism has lifted billions out of poverty.
There is little worse or more dull than the desperation amongst so many on Twitter to (pretend to) be offended.

Party politics - a good thing.

It’s possible to question whether government has the right response to something without being a conspiracy theorist.
Real friendships exist in real life; the virtual world can mean that the real is neglected. OTOH, in enabling people to be in touch with others they might otherwise never have found, social media is a good thing.

It’s possible to like both dogs AND cats.

Columbo is the best TV.
The key test with a comedian is whether he or she is actually funny.

Women should have their own bathrooms in public places.

Free speech means tolerating the views of those with whom one disagrees. Not thinking you’re so tolerant that all those unlike you should be banned.
Your outrage over the apparently erroneous (lack of) conviction in a court case or (lenient) sentence probably reflects the fact that you didn’t hear the evidence.

It’s OK to change your mind on something. Those who clamour for it & then leap on & mock the change are odd.
Avoid ad hominems.

We already had a People’s Vote.

Brussels is a perfectly nice town.

It’s OK to say you don’t want to do something. You don’t have to pretend to be busy that day.

Die Hard is a Christmas movie.

Identity politics isn’t just wrong - it’s very boring.
Roger Moore is the best Bond.

James Bond is a bloke.

I really miss the pub.

The left wing case for Brexit was thoroughly neglected by the media in the referendum & remains one of the most important factors in U.K. politics.

The NHS does some things well and some things badly.
Iceland won Eurovision 2020.

Keeping your key tones turned on is a sign of demonic possession.

Sometimes a local hospital *should* be closed.

Shouting “don’t shoot” at unarmed police says more about those shouting than about the police.

Your feelings aren’t facts.
You can follow @ajcdeane.
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