1/ I predicted the Trump coup but not its form. I thought the militias/PBs would turn out to disrupt and suppress voting... now I understand why they didn't: the Trump strategists thought they would win Georgia/Arizona and contest the postal voting... this has implications...
2/ The Trumpers also understood better than the left that there was an anti-BLM/anti-socialist backlash building among minorities - eg Texas Rio Grande, parts of NY State... and their turnout numbers looked good...
3/ Once they decided to try to invalidate/overturn the result, the key was whether the GOP right would go along with it. Until this week they did. That's what rallied a fairly beleaguered and confused plebeian mass base: they were lost once SCOTUS ruled against Texas....
4/ The more we know about the mob, the more its core was a cadre of white supremacist ex military who really believed they were going to arrest Pelosi etc... the authorities must look for direct comms between Trump's family, state-level GOP and the fascist paramilitaries...
5/ Remember: while the press laboriously sifts thru the evidence, the FBI - and probably foreign intel services - already have the electronic paper trail. They know what was gestural and what remains a serious threat...
6/ That's what makes Twitter's shutdown of Trump and QAnon 'spiraloons important: the crescendo of this far right insurgency is the moment the militias arrive in DC, or state Capitols - and it's clearly being incited
7/ What the liberal centre coverage misses (though the newfound outrage is welcome): the "traditional" racism of the plebeian right has been, over say 6 years, been backfilled with the GRT/"White Genocide" theories...
8/ They literally think they are fighting for "racial survival" and that - importantly - this is the last moment they can stop the advance of liberalism/ progress... hence the frantic nature of the activism...
9/ On the left there's a weird undercurrent of "it's all gestural and let's not empower the state or we are next in line..." Apply that to France and Spain in 1936 and there's no Popular Front, no mass strike movement and no PF election victories...
10/ To reiterate: modern fascism's project is long term: a global ethnic civil war after a major catastrophe; for now they want right-wing authoritarians like Trump, Modi, Bolsonaro in power and will keep them there using violence, operating in the space...
11/ Modern fascism's ideology is not typically Nazism - it is, instead, grown from the same rootstock as Nazism/Fascism, namely Nietzsche, Spengler, Evola, Chamberlain, Le Bon, Sorel...
12/ It's deeply rooted, via endless repetitive blogs and self-published books: it's the same Sorelian myth over again: "a rain will come and sweep away all the scum and after that we start over with ethnically pure societies"...
13/ As I point out in HTSF (forthcoming) and CBF - a large part of America's libertarian left has been on a journey to authoritarianism, because libertarianism doesn't work in a deep social crisis...
14/ Some are already blackpilled. They think they have nothing to lose and this is the last chance. That's why the days between now and 20 Jan are so dangerous: the new Sorelian myth is "next time with guns and millions". #NoPasaran
15/ Not a single Antifa activist I know in the infiltrate/expose/monitor space is objecting to Trump's Twitter ban... they face physical harassment, doxxing and they have to read this genocidal crap day after day... listen to them...
16/ Don't let any leftists tell you "the Popular Front didn't work": it defeated Spanish fascism at the polls, installed a left government, dissolved the French fascist leagues and paved the way for mass strikes... and yes after that it fell apart due to class conflict...
17/ Anybody on the left saying "no unity with neoliberals to defeat the far right" - what are you doing voting Democrat? As in the New Deal, the structure of a common antifascist front needs to be built from below. #NoPasaran
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