His post reminded me of a “K Pandit girl” in my college,
Most boys of my class and college had proposed her but everyone got rejected, When I took admission, she was in 2nd year.
Being a lone Kashmiri muslim in a college run by RSS was itself an achievement for me. https://twitter.com/abdulhamid_1122/status/1347608256248639488
Honestly speaking, she was the most beautiful girl of the college, plus modest & her style was unique as well.
From every angle, she seemed to be from a very good family.
She being a kashmiri pandit and I being a Kashmiri Muslim.
Her way of explaining the Kashmir to her friend circle and my way of description was totally opposite
She being “Beautiful girl” and that too a persecuted minority in her own country, obviously there were heated arguments
My chance of proposing her met the dead end in the very first week, when she spoke in auditorium about her residence in zaina Kada and how the Muslim neighbor’s drove them out.
Her hate and anger anger was very visible.
One day, she along with her friends came to our classroom with a donation box for disabled people.
She was carrying the box, my friend from Mumbai saw & said, look your Bhabi is here, when they reached near our desk, my friend took purse and donated 2 notes of hundred rupees.
He was the single person in class who donated 200rs, rest were put 10 10 rupees notes, so did I.
KP girl said, (this was the first direct talk) at least hamari looti waali daulat Se Hi donate kr.....that was so embarrassing, even mam realised & ordered them to get out.
I have never shaken hands with a girl in my life, rejected many handshakes from my classmates & other girls, till date
One day, in park a girl was shaking hands with our group & a Muslim from delhi did same, but I rejected,she felt embarrassed & argued, delhi guy is also a muslim
I didn’t knew, but that pandit girl were watching all the scene.
And when the other girl started making arguments due to embarrassment of rejected handshake, all of a sudden, KP girl came & Said Hi to me, she purposefully wanted to shake hands for showing how much racist I was...
(Honestly speaking, Getting sidelined for just following your religion, is the best feeling one could ever feel)
So I took my hands & put them in pockets & said hello to her.
She felt insulted & the frustration & anger was visible from her red cheeks.

Furiously, she said,
You Kashmiri’s only know violence & terrorism, you could never ever live for humanity & try to win hearts.

My Friend from mumbai, who was a dalit, replied; Look mam, each & everyone of us in class knows that abc don’t shakes hand with girl’s & now your ego has been badly hurt
Now please give us a side, Today is my birthday & don’t spoil our mood.
KP girl left but I knew this was just a tip of iceberg, she wouldn’t sit quietly until quenching her anger on me
Day’s passed, we gathered in auditorium for a college foundational day & the KP girl (for her beauty/good communication skills) was made the incharge.
Tradition of the function was that everyone should pay homage to Durga Sarasvati by standing in respect
I knew, KP girl wouldn’t
Miss this chance to humiliate me & shw knew that I will never compromise on my religion, standing in respect for Durga sarasvati meant shirk & that was unaffordable sin for me.
She repeatedly asked on mike, please stand up for the Durga Sarasvati.
Board members, principal...
Everyone were present.
Before she could make a scene, I got up & started walking towards gate, nervously as well as terrified.
Somehow gathered courage & said to board members;
Sir, I am going outside till this song ends because islam doesn’t allow me to stand for this
And By sitting here while all of the auditorium is standing, would feel offensive, you people wouldn’t like it, so out of respect for the college foundational day, i don’t want to create any scene or would never like to be pointed for following my religion.
I hope you wouldn’t
Mind it sir;
KP girl responded, what’s wrong with you?
Why don’t you people get adjusted anywhere peacefully.
This’s the tradition of college & this college is giving you so much then on the foundational day, why’re creating scene?
I didn’t reply & went outside.
After sometime, one of the board member came to me & patted my back by saying, Son, today what you did would be lesson for me & all of us.
I admire your courage & be satisfied, there wouldn’t be any action against you.
I have read islam thoroughly & this would’ve definitely been a grave sin for you that Allah Miya would’ve never forgiven.
I replied, thank you sir, indeed Shirik will not be forgiven on the day of judgement.
This’s going to be long thread, because that beautiful Pandit girl tried her level best to humiliate me on each and every platform but failed miserably.
Even she tried to motivate my friends to stay away from me but my selection, my friends not only used to drop me for Jummah but
Also used to wait till jummah prayer ended.

Now Not writing all the heated episodes, just the climax: on farewell party: She came near me & sat just adjacent to my chair.
Said my name, (first time in 2yrs), look we’re from same place & even I know little bit Kashmiri as well, I am from zaina kadal Srinagar & according to your documents, you’re from Anantnag.
We shouldn’t have done this mess in this college, from last couple of months...
I am not able to sleep well,
Look, many people proposed me in this college, even before your admission here, but I rejected all, Becoz we Kashmiri’s are different from them & my parent’s conveyed same to me that they’re not going to marry me to an indian guy.
We could’ve been good friends here but......Leave aside everything,
Today is my last day in college and I am really ashamed what I did to you.
The hatred against you people is by default in our brains, we’ve been told that you people drove us out from our homes
You never took initiative to disgrace me but i was doing everything to humiliate you, just because what’s being conveyed to us about the history of Kashmiri Pandits.
I know this farewell would be the most awaiting movement for you, this should be...
I am leaving for USA after the exams and wouldn’t be able to forgive myself for what I did,
I heard Kashmiri’s are very much Hospitable, please show a big heart and forgive me.
All of a sudden, announcement was made on speaker that please stand up for the Indian National Anthem and
And the Chief guest was Rtd. Army General.
Standing for Indian national anthem could be the most heartbreaking movement for a kashmiri & there were no any ways to escape from it.
Literally, I was praying inside to get saved from standing for anthem.
If Koul couldn’t have changed her mentality, Anthem movement was the best opportunity for her to humiliate me & take revenge for everything, she could’ve wanted against me.
But to my surprise, Koul got up & asked me to follow her, Did the same...finally we were out of the lines in park.
I was on cloud seven, thought, I should’ve prayed for something more
Koul: Look Abc, I saved you from the most terrific incident in your life, now you need to...
Forget & forgive everything I did to you.
Let’s be friends!
There’s no reason of sharing anger & abuses with each other.
You & I weren’t even born, when KPs were dragged out from their houses.
I was listening to her & agreeing by just moving my head,
In my mind was.....Look, how she spoiled all my college years & when it’s time for her farewell, she’s talking like, there would be any new beginning to our chapter
After the farewell ended, I was with friends in our Dept & were planning for Amritsari Naan & Koul came there & said; you need lift? I am going to abc place, will drop you.
I politely refused by revealing our plan of eating Amritsari Naan.
Koul: Why’re wasting your taste in Veg
Food, your friends don’t know, you’re visiting that Halal restaurant every Friday evening!
Without Non-veg, you people wouldn’t sustain for a week.
So don’t make useless excuses, I too want to eat chema there, let’s go to abc
Both of my friends were Vaishnov, they wouldn’t even smell the egg, I never talked about non-veg food in front of them.
Both of their mothers used to treat me as their own son & would invite me in their birthday parties (7) in year
One with 3 & other with 4.
Replied to Koul, No thank you, some other day.
Our plan is fixed and if you want, you can join us, as you’re my ABC Friend’s crush.
He will be too happy to have your company. (purposefully said about my friend’s proposal to her)
She went near him & said, Baya Not today, thank U
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