Forget who he is. This platform has rules, whether you like/agree them or not. I called someone a “c***” on here and got a 24 hour ban. Needless to say afterwards I toned it down a bit and tend to self sensor some of the words Twitter doesn’t like.
“tHiS sEtS a DaNgErOuS pReCeDeNt, It’S tErRiFyInG”, it doesn’t/it isn’t. If they’d banned him because they didn’t agree with his political ideology this might hold some weigh but that very obviously isn’t what happened.
Trump got way more warnings and chances on here than you or I ever would. His status as the president is irrelevant. He didn’t heed the warnings and ploughed on and now he’s been removed. In a few weeks time we’ll be arguing over something else so who even cares?
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