Him: We all should be feminists.

Me: I'm not and I have no intentions of being one.

Me: Is there any right you have in Nigeria that I don't have?

Him: No, but check the history and...

Me: I may have read that history more than you.

Him: So, you will be okay if I beat you up?
Me: there's 101 men out there that will be willing to beat you up for me, I don't even have to buy them a drink.
My brothers? Those ones will fuck you up six ways to Sunday.

Me: if I broke your head and you landed in hospital, who will fight for you?

Him: Well, nobody.
And you are a feminist.
From time immemorial, men have been manipulated to slave for women because women are the "weaker" sex.

When a woman has a flat tire on the road, a man will stop and fix it for her. All he will receive is thank you and he will feel good.

When trees fall
Down and block the road in a bad weather, men will clear it. House is on fire, men will enter it and save the day.
All natural disasters are tackled by men to keep women and children safe.

This manipulation was done by patriarchy but at least it leaves men with some semblance
Of control; a woman's submission. What does a man gain from this submission? Just a good feeling, that's all.

And then sexual gratification, the same sex a woman enjoys but because you've been manipulated to think that sex means a lot to you more than her, she capitalizes on it.
That's why women use sex as a bargaining chip to get ahead. Even your fellow man Bobrisky has used sex to get ahead of you.

Have you crossed the borders of Nigeria before despite your hustle, but Bobrisky your FELLOW MAN has.

A richer guy will take your woman away from you,
as a manipulated man himself who thinks that your woman's cookie is the sweetest has to hurt his fellow man knowingly or unknowingly to have this cookie to himself.

A woman finds running a home she signed up for as slavery. This is a house men have invented things for to make
Her work easier; she has gas and electric cooker, oven, microwave, refrigerator, mop, dishwasher, washer and dryer etc. On top of all that, she has a house help.

While she's whining, you are out there facing both spirit and man to take care of her and your children.
All this was burden on you by patriarchy and it's not enough for you, now "let's all be feminists" has come with her own manipulation.

Equal job, equal pay, equal opportunity in every favourable conditions.

In unfavorable conditions, she's naturally excluded while you face all
The challenges while keeping her safe in the process.

Patriarchy at least left you with a woman's submission. Do you know what "let's all be feminists" will do or is currently doing?

She will take away her submission from you, enjoy equal opportunity in favorable conditions
With you and enjoy her privileges in unfavorable conditions where you will risk your health, resources and life to keep her safe and happy.

Do you still want to be a feminist?
You will lose every single control you think you have.

Don't do that to yourself. If you're
Pussywhipped already, you need to get your balls back.

Read The Rationale Male by Rollo Tomassi and The Unplugged Alpha by Richard Cooper.

Buy for your friends as well.

It's your favorite Patriarchy Princess and Pick Me, Oluchi.✌️
PS: it's good to support women but don't lose yourself in the process just like one fashion billionaire CEO who's quitting his career so that his wife will pursue hers.

The divorce letter will do the Lord's work for him.
Please, check out my YouTube channel. Thank you. https://twitter.com/Ada_di_ora_mma/status/1347873552284983296?s=19
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