One of the sad things I have seen here in the last few days is the number of detractors of the Welsh vaccination programme. As I head off for one of the mass vaccination centres today I can tell you this:
We have no shortage of people to deliver vaccines, many of whom are volunteering their own time 7 days a week, 12 hours a day. It's a huge logistical exercise run by good people who want nothing more than to vaccinate at 100 miles an hour for the benefit of the Welsh people
It's getting faster. The rate - limiting step is vaccine supply. The supply chain is complex for vaccines always, so can you imagine the task to deliver something totally novel less than a year into the pandemic.
We *will* succeed in this. We *will* get faster. I ask for your support not your sniping because the latter is deeply lacking in respect for those working flat out on this mammoth task.
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