1. I know I've been raging angry since the #MAGA #DomesticTerrorism attack on our nation, but for 20+ years I swore allegiance to the US Constitution, and I'm still so furious that our own POTUS would encourage our very own citizens to attack our nation.

2. The oath of office we vets take isn't something to be taken lightly. I would literally give up my life to protect our leaders, even those I disagree with. I would lay down my life for people like Trump, @LindseyGrahamSC, & even @tedcruz. I would take a bullet for all of them.
3. The fact that they would not only support, but still continue to encourage the #MAGATerrorists doesn't just hurt me as a citizen, but it destroys me as a disabled combat veteran. Their support of those who wish to bring down our country hurts me in ways #ISIS never could.
4. People like @tedcruz has never served, so they don't know what the pain of watching what they do to our country does to us who would literally stand against the gates of hell to make sure they survive as they flame the same fires which would kill me & my brothers & sisters.
5. They have no respect for my life or the life of loyal veterans everywhere.

I would like to remind them of the oath of office we officers must take to serve them to lead us in a mature and orderly fashion, not supporting #MAGATerrorists to bring us to the brink of #CivilWar.
6. I, Amanda A Blount, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC;

7. that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.
8. @senatemajldr , @SenTedCruz , @LindseyGrahamSC , I don't take this oath lightly. I disagree with all of you on most everything, but I would stand in front of you to protect you with my very life. Don't take my loyalty or the loyalty of other veterans for granted.
9. There are generations of younger adults and children watching what you do. They are watching how you handle the people who you encouraged & supported with your words & actions. I guarantee you, they might think twice before taking the oath to protect this nation of ours.
10. What will America do when generations of citizens decide it's not worth it anymore? What will America do when generations of citizens watch as the people they swear to protect use their words & actions to kill them & the nation they love? What will YOU do when loyalty stops?
11. The whole world is watching you.

Military personnel are watching you.

They are watching how you handle the #DomesticTerrorists who attacked everything we love and they will watch carefully how you handle Trump.

They will rightly judge you and treat America accordingly.
12. Will you continue to support the man who laughed & was openly gleeful while your life & the lives of police were in danger while our country was attacked?

Or, will you remember your oath to the US Constitution?

The final choice is yours. I hope you make the right one.
You can follow @amandablount2.
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