I use to chase after men because I thought that's what I need to fill the void in me but man after man,the story was the same. I just knew there was something missing that needed to be filled and if the man I was with couldn't fill it,I move unto the next.
Fast forward,I received the baptism of the holy ghost and the spirit began ministering to my mind through my spirit,this I was unconscious of anyways. But as I began to study and meditate on God's word,he began to lead me to scriptures that says alot about me. Roman12:2 showed up
Be not conformed to the world but be ye transformed by the RENEWING of your clicked,my mind had always been the problem. The wrong mindset that being in a relationship is the solution, being with just anyman is all that matters. James 1:21b tells us how to renew our
mind...(..and receive with meekness the engrafted word which is able to save your souls). That was the beginning of my Reformation. The devil knows this and all he does is to prevent you from the Word of God. Gradually,my mindset took a new turn. That void was getting filled..
Something extraordinary happened and it perfected everything. That night I heard Him audibly saying "don't go back to sleep,I want to speak with you" and he led me to Lamentations chapter 3 and God literally showed me clearly my journey,the process and where he wants me to be.
Vs 24 says The Lord is my PORTION saith my soul, therefore will I hope in him. It means He's all I got, He's all my void heart needs. Vs 25-27 says what is needed to be done.
I decided to share this because I sense that my tweet on sexual purity stirred lots of buhaha
and I know there are lot of girls on this table of immorality, thinking that giving in to the advances of men will fill the void in them.
I want to encourage you that your wholeness and completeness is in Jesus,not in any man. Remember the story of the woman of Samaria?
She had been with several men,did it occur to you to ask why she had been with lots of them? There was something she lacked,a void but those men weren't doing justice to it. Then Jesus saw her need and he spoke to her about the living water. If you don't allow the living water
Fill you,your expectations from men and marriage will be cut short.
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