Hopefully everyone’s been able to digest the IPD removal by #FootballIndex over a good nights sleep. My views are ultimately this is a good thing for the platform long term. FI now prioritizing the long term bet is absolutely the way to go and IPDs were a contradiction to this..
As with all changes to dividends/matrix etc on the platform there are winners and losers from this situation. Currently it looks like the winners will be the consistent MB/PB winners. This is a good thing. The platform should be setup to reward these players the most..
The losers are cheaper goalscorers and goalkeepers. Albeit with most goalkeepers being so cheap they have good PB value anyway. My thoughts on cheap goalscorers, don’t bin them at any price. FI may announce something in the coming weeks that gives them significant value again..
I hold some cheaper goalscorers and a tonne of goalkeepers so feel the pain experienced by many traders through this. But it’s important to keep a level head, many of these goalscorers may challenge PB only once a year, but if they win can deliver great yields. Example..
Thoughts on the announcement itself. Quite disappointing not to announce the new metric/promotion (whatever it will be), at the same time as removing IPDs. Can’t see the reasoning behind this, most likely, they haven’t finished cooking it up yet. Let’s hope it’s not rushed 🙏🏼..
Don’t fully understand why they’ve thrown Germany in there. Distraction maybe? New territories are the least of their concerns right now. Also, it just gives traders something else to moan about when it doesn’t materialize this year. Which I doubt it will..
When they’ve barely scratched the surface of the UK market, and the product is in need of major change. It’s frustrating that they are even looking at new territories right now. Sort the tech and functionality out first and then takeover the UK market before even trying abroad..
For me, “Trying to run before you can walk” certainly springs to mind every time FI ever talked about new territories, or introduced them in the past. Probably some traders may get excited by the news, but if it’s not pooled liquidity, it doesn’t matter anyway.
Final point, I was a bit disappointed that a longer timeframe wasn’t given before the removal of IPDs. I feel 30 days is a bit unfair and for me 3 months time would have been a better option. This way traders could have no excuse holding these players into March etc and moaning..
..that they’ve then lost value afterwards. The IPD lovers may have still traded them if IPDs remained until April as well, meaning there’s still liquidity on these types of holds. That being said, we don’t know what’s replacing it yet, IPD players could still be fine..
In conclusion, IPDs were having a negative impact of causing downward pressure on players prices with OBs. They have also been a huge expense to FI. Right outcome delivered, but comms could’ve have been better and the way it’s done could have been fairer IMO.
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