My last thought before I hang it up for the night. They know the crowd that day was 99.9% peaceful. They know that crowd was 100x more peaceful than what we saw last summer with the race riots. They know it was only a few dozen bad actors, and they weren’t acting on Trump orders.
What they are is desperate. They are desperate to find whatever bread crumbs they can locate in their own vomit so they can bring orange man down. Even as he steps out of office in a couple of weeks, they have so much hatred in their hearts that they can’t stand it.
They know we (being those who support Trump) are far better examples than they are, and they want us to break. They want us to be like them so THEY can look like the good guys. So THEY can have all the control and step all over us.
This has nothing to do with the actions of a few knuckleheads who will see their day in court and be rightfully put behind bars for a while. This is all about seeking revenge because they didn’t get their way in 2016. Just like the bully at school who got caught picking on you.
School is out, and the bully is seeking his revenge. The question is: are we going to stand our ground, or will we take the beating? If your parents raised you right, they told you to fight back.

It’s time to fight back.
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