A year ago I began posting warnings with resources to help laymen understand where we are today. Well we are here. In about ten days things are going up another level. https://twitter.com/RYP__/status/1213839909275889664
The year before that I posted subtle hints that friends from the community were seeing patterns in Trump's TTPs and that people that surrounded him were using military and intel handbook style #fuckery. https://twitter.com/RYP__/status/1092833480818384897
TTPs are Tactics,Techniques and Procedures. A term used by our secret squirrels and soldiers to analyze a threat actor. AKA "the enemy". Also found in hacking terminology. Trump was attacking our government. https://www.jcs.mil/Portals/36/Documents/Doctrine/pubs/jp3_24pa.pdf
So for at least two years I have lighting up malign actors, tactics, techniques and procedures of those around Trump. Now with nothing to lose and no reason for artifice we fully understand Trump's agenda. He is an enemy of the state.
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