ARK summary from @CathieDWood
1. Equity markets broadening out (more stocks hitting highs)
2. Expect strong V shaped recovery
3. Expects earnings explosion
Notes: M2 up 26% YoY- unprecedented
2. Fed will have to reassess buying
3. Copper prices are up 75% since Mar, $ moving down - early indicators of expecting more inflation
4. Fiscal policy - expect $1Trillion (hopefully targeted stimulus)
4. Probably higher taxes
5. 3 policy priorities for Biden:
a) Infra spend,
b) Healthcare (generics and biosimilars will continue to thrive), Push on cancer,
c) clean energy
6. Income tax rates could go higher, but marginal tax rates going up results in migration to low tax states
7. Economic indicators: Headline report on unemployment was weaker than expected - manuf was stronger than expected
8. Q1 GDP is going to depend on stimulus +ve
9. Equity market picking up & leading indicator - nicely shaping up
10. Inflation is being watched closely expecting 1-1.5% range (there are inflation worries, so asset prices might inflate)
11. Velocity of money (m2 at 26%) is large.
12. In the 40 year bond market, buying the dip was always the thing to do - *That may not be the right thing any more.* Yield curve is steeping - long rates going up, short term rates are not.
13. Financial (bank) stocks behaving well last month.
14. Energy price (>$50) picked up. When you see OPEC shuts down production, it tends to be hard.
15. USD dropped 7% last year - if it does breakdown from here it will be major
16. Bitcoin has doubled in month. Usually when there is a parabolic move, it usually takes a generation to get back to peak - this is rare
17. How are we going to pay for all the stimulus and other spending in the future? Inflation - you inflate your way out of Government debt
18. $ARK way is to grow the way out of the problem. with innovation
19. Should you hedge against inflation?

There is not better hedge against inflation than #BTC
20. Individuals and companies are getting on #BTC using it as a hedge.

21. Regulators will get on board as well. Public blockchain be used by banks, etc.
22. Stablecoins are a bridge to the disintermediation of banks

23. Study and learn more about #BTC and crypto
24. #BTC is over $700B in MCap. This is is a BIG idea.
Excited about long term innovation growth.

We will see a correction this year.

1. Take profits
2. Keep some powder dry
3. Be available to take advantage of low prices.
Mukund's summary
1. Long #BTC - inflation hedge and tech
2. Keep some cash (keep dry powder), watch indicators carefully for signals
3. 2021 returns to be strong enough as 2020

You can follow @mukund.
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