Just moments ago, the whole account of @realdonaldtrump is gone, so now the bio info is deleted too (1/..)
Now @parler_app or @getongab would be the next best place for him, but I don't think that will work for him. He thrives on conflict. On @parler_app or @getongab there is almost no conflict between users, they all agree. (2/3)
He needs "mainstream media" to get attention and be disruptive. @parler_app or @getongab are not mainstream. (3/4)
I think @twitter did something amazing for a tech company. Millions of users woke up to read the rants of the president. #TrumpBanned #TrumpTwitterBan Now he lost his platform, but Twitter lost traffic (4/5)
Some of you informed me that @realdonaldtrump is still accessible. Just refresh Twitter and you will see, he IS gone #TrumpBanned #TrumpTwitterBan Check also https://twitter.com/NathOnSecurity/status/1347792625408094208?s=20 Now what are you gonna read now when you wake up? (5/5)
Google removed the @parler_app from the Google Play Store. I think this is less spectacular than @twitter did. In @parler_app, all at once cherish conspiracy theories, and there is no counterforce. Removing these tools will have less impact, they just go to another app (6/7)
The analyst says that without Donald Trump, Twitter Inc. could lose almost a fifth of its value. Not sure if this is true, but @twitter removing a sitting president is a historical decision. Not going for the clicks, but for common sense (9/9) #TrumpBanned #TrumpTwitterBan
Removing @realdonaldtrump won't cost @twitter billions of $$$. Because in two weeks the account would be less valuable anyway. Removing it right now is a small price to pay for the shareholders. Next few tweets: what border did Twitter cross? (10/14)
Let's have a look at what line Twitter crossed. How many real FULL democracies do we have in the world? The amazing answer is 19, check https://www.eiu.com/topic/democracy-index Now @twitter killed a democratically chosen president, at least his words, so what's next for dictators? (11/..)
First stop: Iran. In Spanish, Russian, Farsi and Arabic, this account of The Supreme Leader says things that are provocative. Run this search for me please: https://twitter.com/search?q=from%3Akhamenei_ir%20%23jihad&src=typed_query Yup, the guy is full of #jihad The struggle to free #Palestine is #jihad in the way of God (12/.)
Let's steer away from the dictator's dilemma and find out which verified Twitter users say terrible things. Just type in "should be shot" filter:verified. #trumpbanned You see my point? (14/....)
Logic dictates to get rid of the dictators and verified Twitter users who glorify killing other people. Do you rather have those voices out in the open, with disclaimers, or should Twitter go after them too? (15/15)
I am glad that Trump tweets are accessible - for future generations (that's why I came up with the idea for @politwoops). Here are some places where you can do that: https://www.thetrumparchive.com  and https://archive.is/http://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump and https://web.archive.org/web/*/twitter.com/realdonaldtrump (16/16) #TrumpBanned #TrumpDeleted
Twitter rule: You may not threaten violence against an individual or a group of people.
Meanwhile (verified users):
Twitter rule: You may not engage in the targeted harassment of someone, or incite other people to do so
Meanwhile (verified users):
No nasty remarks about sexual orientation, the Twitter rules say. Meanwhile, verified users talk about stupid fags (there are also worse things to be found, but I leave that to you) (19/24)
You may not post or share intimate photos, Twitter says.
Meanwhile, verified users posted this (20/24)
So let's do this together. Go to https://twitter.com/rules  , read the rules, and find verified users that break those rules, or other users. Done? Did you notice how easy it is to find people who post against the TOS of Twitter (21/24)
Follower @elmarveerman says in https://twitter.com/elmarveerman/status/1347821090249302016?s=20 that Twitter drew the line. My point is: no! They didn't. See screenshot. (22/24)
I hope this thread makes clear that @twitter has no perfect algorithms that filter out violations of their own rules. It's easy to spot violations, even posted by verified users. It's only when there is public outrage the TOS really starts to matter .. (23/24)
What is your thought on this subject? Is the killing of Trump's account wise? Should other leaders of nations be kicked off too? And verified users who post against the TOS? Or should we only care when there is a public outrage? Or should everything just be in the open? (24/24)
You can follow @henkvaness.
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