This is Josh.

@HawleyMO is a Senator.

A Senator is a person who asked people to give him a job where he is supposed to help people.

In this photo, Josh is making people who believe lies angry. They are angry because they think he believes the same lies they believe.
The angry people think that if someone like Josh believes the same things they believe, those things must be true.

But Josh doesn't believe those things. He is a lying treasonweasel.

Can you say "treasonweasel," girls and boys?
Josh is just saying that he thinks the angry people are right because he wants to use them to get a better job where Josh will be more powerful.

Josh is a tool. Don't be like Josh.
This is Andy.

Andy is a Member of Congress. Members of Congress are also supposed to help people.

When the people who Josh made angry stormed the capitol and killed people and made a mess, Andy stayed up and helped clean up the mess Josh made.

Andy is not a tool. Be like Andy.
Seriously, y'all -

After the 2016 election, I was fortunate enough to be part of a group of lawyers that @AndyKimNJ put together to try to figure out how we could help minimize the damage that Trump caused. My little part of that didn't amount to much, but Andy did.
I was so proud and happy when I saw that picture that it made me tear up all over again.

People like Andy are why we will prevail.

Be like Andy. Don't be like Josh.
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