It's documented that cops are rougher on black people. It's also documented that cops do not KILL out of racism (I've written about it, and yes, I am aware of the disproportion statistics; they don't prove the racism argument). BUT -
It would appear that many think that the insurrection deep-sixes what Glenn and I think about the cops and race. I'm going to disappoint here twice. First, those salivating to despise me for downplaying the racial implications will have to find ...
.. something else to catch me out on. I agree that a black version of that mob would have met more tear gas, rubber bullets. Second disappointment, though - there is no actual, as opposed to visceral, reason to assume a black mob would have been ...
.. mowed down dead. The statistics just don't support it. As in, yes, I firmly believe that George Floyd did not die bc he was black. And I assume we know I'm basing my points here on written work elsewhere, not just randomly tweeting my passing impressions.
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