THINGS I WAS TOLD WERE HARMFUL AND/OR VIOLENT DURING COLLEGE: A THREAD. First, it matters because we all live on campus now. The VP-Elect gives her pronouns and we get CRT lectures on systemic racism after major national news events. And, you know, Woke staffers write letters 1/x
to their bosses after which we are no longer free to get tweets from the POTUS, so yeah, it matters what Woke college kids think: they graduate and get jobs, and the real world IS LISTENING TO THEM. OK, here we go. 1) That my crying (alone, in a bathroom stall) was violent 2/x
and caused harm to black students bc of the history of white woman tears leading to lynching. 2) That my crying (silently, in frustration after getting back a bad quiz grade) in the hallway was my white privilege bc if a black student cried they'd get the cops called on them 3/x
and probably get shot. 3) That my joking about using the hood in a hoodie to cover my hair when I went to the mosque (assignment for mandatory diversity class) was islamophobic and could get muslims killed. 4) That my clarifying I meant "girlfriend" as "friend who is female" 4/x
since I'm straight (but I don't wear makeup and sometimes get read as lesbian, so I clarified) was heteronormative violence and could get transwomen of color killed. 5) My belief that my abusive childhood (long term sexual abuse and permanent injuries inflicted before age 10) 5/x
was an example of my not being privileged erased the experiences of black and brown bodies, who live in fear of that every day in a white supremacist society, whereas I knew it was in the past and didn't need to live in fear anymore, and it was my white fragility that made 6/x
me think it was worse to actually experience it than to "merely" fear it from the whole white supremacist society. This is the level of lunacy among my college cohort. This is who defines "violence" and "harm" when deciding who is too violent and harmful to be allowed to 7/x
speak on the social media that they themselves admit is the modern public square of discourse. (Please DO NOT feel sorry for me about my shitty childhood; don't want it, don't need it, not the point.) /end
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