Biden has announced plans to roll out new domestic terrorism laws in the wake of the Capitol Hill riot. 
The first draft of the Patriot Act was magically introduced one week after the 9/11 attacks. Legislators later admitted that they hadn’t even had time to read it, yet somehow its authors were able to gather all the necessary information and write the whole entire thing in a week.
Biden’s bill was never put to a vote, but after 9/11 then-Attorney General John Ashcroft reportedly credited his bill with the foundations of the USA PATRIOT Act.
A recent Morning Joe appearance by CIA analyst-turned House Representative Elissa Slotkin eagerly informed us that the real battle against terrorism is now inside America's borders.
In response to pressures from all directions including its own staff, Twitter has followed Facebook's lead and removed Donald Trump's account.
And it wasn't just Trump. Accounts are vanishing quickly, including some popular Trump supporter accounts. I myself have lost hundreds of followers on Twitter in the last few hours, and I've seen people saying they lost a lot more.
It also isn't just Trump supporters.
The online left is hopefully learning that cheering for Twitter "banning fascists" assumes that (A) their purges are only banning fascists and (B) they are limiting their bans to your personal definition of fascists. There is no basis whatsoever for either of these assumptions.
Google has ratcheted things up even further by removing Parler from its app store, and Apple will likely soon follow. This push to marginalize even already fringey social media sites is making the argument of "If you don't like censorship just go to another platform" look silly.
The censorship of a political faction at the hands of a few liberal Silicon Valley billionaires will do the exact opposite of eliminating right-wing paranoia and conspiracy theories, and everyone knows it. You're not trying to make things better, you're trying to make them worse.
The correct response to a huge section of the citizenry doubting an electoral system we've known for years is garbage would have been more transparency, not shoving the process through and silencing people who voice doubts and making that entire faction more paranoid and crazy.
Supporting the censorship of online speech is to support the authority of monopolistic tech oligarchs to exert more and more global control over human communication. Regardless of your attitude toward whoever happens to be getting deplatformed today, supporting this is suicidal.
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