I'm sure this is too soon, but can we talk at all about why so many otherwise normal people are attracted to Donald Trump and right-wingers of his ilk? I'm willing to believe 5% of the population is nuts. Not 40-50% of it. We need a better explanation than that. #cdnpoli 1/7
Authenticity plays a huge role in right-wing appeal. An apparently honest politician, even saying awful things, seems refreshing to many. Saying terrible things can even become proof of authenticity. And yes, it's liberating to be free to say awful things in reply. #cdnpoli 2/7
There's absolutely no value in giving people space to succumb to their worst impulses. None. But can we also admit that many people feel so policed in their views and opinions that even normal, decent people can get sick of it? Tired of watching their every word? #cdnpoli 3/7
There's demand for a leader who'll look at something completely fucking stupid and say "that's fucking stupid." We've allowed right-wingers to monopolize extreme honesty. Everyone else needs to apologize for triggering with profanity, and for stigmatizing stupidity. #cdnpoli 4/7
There's a reason comedians seem more like our true leaders. They still claim license to express brutal, hilarious, unflinching truth. Meanwhile, elected politicians across the center-left spectrum step lightly and speak carefully, afraid of giving offence. #cdnpoli 5/7
Right-wing ideology has taken a terrible, poisonous turn. Fuck anyone who would adopt that agenda. But the style has legitimate appeal, divorced from the substance. We want and need leaders who will tell us what they are really thinking, even when it's impolite. #cdnpoli 6/7
The hard right alone can never drive an agenda - can never win an election. They only have power when they seem like the only ones speaking plain, honest truth and win over the center. The way to beat them, going forward, is to speak some plain honest truth in reply. #cdnpoli 7/7
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