I knew a girl who was born into a cult. Her grandparents basically had her & her mom physically extracted.

Her mom left her to go back to the cult (she was about 5) & mom later died still in the cult.

She never saw her mom again & was forever haunted by her mom leaving.

1/ https://twitter.com/jimstewartson/status/1347709911455522816
We all hold a deeply seeded passion to stand up & defend this country & constitution against our enemies no matter our race, religion, gender identity or policy opinions.

It is that passion to unite that makes us what we are, it is the very core of our democracy.

When you take an individuals very deep passion to fight for & defend their country at all costs & taint it w/ conspiracy theories & lies about "who the enemy is" you have created a very powerful force.

One that will not be easily swayed.

That force is now within our borders, in our states, our cities, our towns.

They are our family, friends, neighbors.

They are grocery clerks, delivery drivers, teachers, first responders, police... most disturbing some are our elected officials.

Because of the lies & conspiracy theories they were purposely fed they now perceive us as the enemies.

They literally see us as a threat to their country a threat to their very existence.

We are the ones who are "brainwashed", the ones "out to destroy everything"...

I want to reach out to them, help them to understand, help them cope as they process what all this is.

But unless we start at the top & hold everone of those who did this to our fellow Americans accountable we don't stand a chance to heal, to reunite.

Right now we cannot talk to them.

Right now we cannot reason with them.

And we definitely cannot try to physically extract them.

This "war" has become their reality.

They will just oppose us & go running back to that new "reality".

The vast majority of these people are not our enemies but victims of a silent war that has been successfully waged on our citizens.

The Cult & its Leaders & Instigators they are our Enemies.

We MUST dismantle the Cult before we can even begin to reach out.

Every one involved from the President down must be held accountable for the part they have played in this & their lies must be fully exposed, preferably by their own admittance.

Only then can we begin to move forward from any of this.

Hopefully we still can.

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