Okay, look. I've been saying this for 20 years, since the Patriot Act. TPTB will take over every facet of our lives. The military industrial complex is running the show. If you think Standing Rock and OWS was bad, just wait. They aren't going to waste this power or equipment 1/
They want a police state. They want to control us. They know everything we say. They spy on us with our own phones. If you are a threat to the system, they will eliminate you. Maybe not via death, but your online presence. Your identity. We willingly gave up too much. 2/
Now, it's culminating into a dystopian nightmare. If you think for one minute that they won't target you, you're mistaken. Unless you're one of those people without a mind of your own, then you'll probably be fine. If you want to dismiss me as some sort of crazed 3/
Conspiracy theorist, that's fine. But the police are in with the military and corporations. Prisons are for profit. THEY MAKE MONEY OFF OF PEOPLE. Slavery. If you think that you're safe, I admire your optimism. 4/
Think what you wish of me. I don't approve of social media companies having this much power. We are seriously headed someplace very bad. Stay strong.
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