I'm in the data business in sports. I began using data in the late 90's, now co-founded a data sciences software biz.
Data needs context. W/out context, data=useless;worse it can be used nefariously.
Hearing hosptials are "95% full" w/out CONTEXT is nefarious
Peep the timestamps
I shouldn't be (but I am) shocked at how many people don't simply do a Google search for context.

I've learned over time that if no comparison/context is provided with a presentation of data, something is being hidden.

Context, y'all.
Take any sensational news you hear today regarding Covid, then google things like "2018 flu bed shortage hospitals" etc.

One of my favorite google results are when I add "local news" to the search and see all these people, AND DOCTORS, not wearing masks.
One of my favorite results: check out this news clip from Miami/South Florida a couple years ago. Just watch the 2 minutes...tell me when you see it. :-)
You can follow @TheDataCage.
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