Everyone has A role to play in the unfolding of the many THOUSAND year rein of Evil running the world..
The Bloodlines that have kept humanity enslaved, The bloodlines that have constructed the "Unbreakable" foundation we all know today was made so that if anyone fights back
they would lose. That is what is being Dismantled. It wasn't easy obviously. It got to the point where Evil Surrendered but MSM (The Enemy of the people) and A Few others kept going with the evil Agendas. Which was/is keeping so much of the world that is not aware,Blinded.
Not everyone does their own research, Not everyone is on these platforms seeking all the truth that has been hidden from Humanity. Waking those people up as safely as possible was and still is number one priority.
Making sure there is no fall out is also priority.
THINK of how many people are asleep being force fed mainstream media lies? I Would say there is AAAA Lot of people that are in panic mode or truly believe what they are seeing on T.V./News. It's All Fake, all to confuse the masses into not believing A Word anyone says. The only
thing that is real is YOU Looking into A Mirror. I Live my life within A Mirror Image. I Create by placing another mirror in front of the mirror I'm looking into. The world is not what you all think it to be. It Is so much more than what everyone has been told. That something
more is about to be revealed to everyone. All those hidden truths EVIL kept hidden from you and continued to try and keep hidden from you, the world is about to see.
It's A Whole brand new world that benefits all of humanity, Embrace. Embrace the suck and find your inner child.
You Are no longer lost. You only think you are lost because that is how THEY want you to feel. Read the parts of the Bible that say "God Wins", It's true. God Wins And MANY have been re born through the bloodlines.
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