A thread about federal preparation f/ large public assemblies in D.C. RFK felt The March On Washington, if unruly could set back ethnic integration in Southern schools. DC police wanted to deploy dogs, the National Guard wanted to bear firearms
@michaelharriot Cy Vance & Joe Califano wanted the guard to brandish nightsticks. They agreed w/ RFK that a firearm might be discharged if troops were given them. Positioning the 82nd Airborne was considered. Bear w/ me on where I'm going
The March was sched. on a Wednesday, & no fed employees were granted leave. RFK imposed on the Diocese to supply priests in robes & nuns in habits. 1963 habits
Both Kennedy boys in the admin insisted the marchers arrive & leave the same day. They asked the downtown hotels to price gouge. Most complied- not that crazy about Negro lodgers in the 1st place
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