People keep bringing up the BLM protests this summer as somehow analogous to the mob that invaded our Capitol and definitely would have killed some or all of our elected leaders if they could have. There’s so many differences but let’s start with the main one:
the Trump mob is operating under a mass delusion that Trump actually won the election and they’re out to right a perceived wrong after the courts did not agree with them. BLM protestors are not operating under a mass delusion - and the severe injustices they face can be addressed our society. We can change laws like qualified immunity for cops and we can elect better leaders and try to erase white supremacy from our society. There’s NOTHING we can do to make the Trumpers ok because it would mean we all have to buy into a mass delusion.
Trump supporters haven’t faced anything like Black people have faced in our country. All the Trumper’s bitching and moaning is total bullshit and their violence is based on a lie told by their traitorous president.
Also which government/election did BLM try to overturn? None.
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