You guys realize what happened right?
Remember Trump saying,
"Remember this day.'


You are remembering it incorrectly.
What really happened:

Let me try to explain:
First thing you have to remember:

Trump talked about twitter in his speech in Washington

"He said he didn't care about it. He knew what was coming"
Trump went on stage about a half hour late.

This messed up the timing and coordination at the Capital

It was supposed to be jam packed at the capital. Where hundreds of thousand Trump supporters would scale the walls.

The ultimate Charlottesville

The ultimate False Flag
Except no one was there except the people the Democrats paid to riot

Antifa (and their ilk)

That's why the FBI is so adamant about finding them, that's how we prove it wasn't Trump supporters
Look at what's going on in the background and listen to what CNN was saying about it.

It's laughably obvious that this was a False Flag gone bad.
The media has no choice, they have to keep going with this scripted narrative that no one belives.
We also had plants within Antifa that went into the Capital with them.

Why do you think they made a mad dash to steal Nancy Pelosi's laptop?

How would they know where to go?
Also, the moment after they signed the vote, DNI director Radcliff gave Congress their copies of the Foreign interference in our elections report.

Wonder what it said?
Do not Take Trump's rhetoric as weakness. It's not.

He is actively trying to calm people down.
juxtapose that with what the other side is doing

Twitter took a video down on the 6th of Trump telling people to calm down. They couldn't let that truth get out.
Why is it that they can't just live out the remaining 12 days? Why does Pelosi sound panicked?

She just won, didn't she?

Why are they trying to impeach him?

If another person tells me it's for 2024 I'mma smack them in the face. He will be 81 then. He isn't running again
There are teachers unions around the country trying to disperse education packets on what went down on the 6th of January.

Wonder hoe Hitlerific they try to make Trump?

The left has to create a false reality. Because in this one, they are evil.

And they are losing
One day, I want to lose all everything to see who is loyal
Stop thinking about

'What' happened

Think about 'Why' it happened

This is a back and forth game of chess.

Think a few steps ahead, not on the current move.
And lastly

Never forget,

They were briefed on this before it happened.

Trump was ready for it
Trump requested the National Guard
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