The Dream fandom is one of the only communities actually using internet codes like /j and trigger warnings. Let me be clear on this: using internet codes shows social ineptitude (in my opinion). Here’s why 👇👇👇
Conflict, misinterpretation, opposition, discomfort. All of these are criterias extremely important in debates and rhetoric. Being exposed to sensitive content allows for a discussion to happen in the first place. Twitter has granted us a voice where you can say what you want...
...And people from all over the world can react upon it and voice their own opinion, whether it’s in agreement or not. It’s fundamental to human evolution as it constantly allows us to question, refute and, in some shape or form, criticise one another’s mentality in hopes of... day achieving so called “social utopia”. We’re all well aware we will never all get along. There’s been thesis (1) above thesis of constant debate on this silly concept. Conflict is in our blood and is the source of what has constantly given us meaning. Why do we launch...
...rockets into the deep abyss that is space? Why run after problem after another? As much one share of the population can argue the “older times were better”, it’d be impossible for all to agree that reverting back to a primitive state without consciousness would consequently...
... lead to happiness. We need to be conscious. We need to argue. Conflict is within our blood and that’s not going away.
The addition of the so called “internet code” or whatever that bullshit may be is absurd. In my eyes, it’s nothing but the same as putting a label on detergent stating “To not drink”. These are things which shouldn’t have to happen. And if they do, lesson learnt for next time...
As opposed to detergent, noone has died from misinterpreting satire or have r/wooooshed a joke. Noone has died from arguing with someone on why x or y is better. And yet, there’s this need to protect people from it? To protect people from content that exposes them to a broader...
... opinion or point of view? Ignoring opinions that differ to yours is simply nothing but sheer blissful ignorance. It is the act of one enclosing themselves inside an echo chamber. It is fatal against all development of capacities to hear opinions that differ...
... If this is the future that awaits this silly snowflake generation, the capitol raid is just a pebble in the river. We should not raise a generation of pathetic individuals incapable at debate. The generation of the future should be one which masters the art of listening...
... One which masters the art of argumenting. One which raises adult which don’t to rely on the basis of violence or dominance to impose their opinion as opposed to bringing the best out of everyone. Should you challenge public opinion? Absolutely! The internet code is a wall...
... to this. It is an auto-immune self destructive system. It prevents any conversation to be made. It prevents any mistakes to be made. It prevents people from learning connotation vs denotation. It builds snowflakes incapable of interacting without the constant fear of...
...opposition. It builds snowflakes incapable of reading in-between the lines without checking whether it’s a joke or not. It builds a generation incapable of being socially apt. Stop it. Cut it out. It’s ridiculous. You’re worth more than this. Show the world how you can...
...understand beyond pixels on a screen. Show that you too can voice your opinion, that you too can learn from individuals wiser than you are, or at least listen to your average McDonald’s drivethrough employee ranting in twitter comments. It shows a capacity that will be scarce.
Y’all are making your brains big curvy schrooms by having to constantly clarify, block and restrict yourself to stuff you want to read. Conflict good. Mistakes good. Internet code bad.
I should have proofread. It’s almost 3am. Welp. My bad. I swear my English is far better than this.
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