My parents are from Armenia, which was part of the former USSR. My grandfather, when registering for the military, changed his last name on the spot so as not to be associated with my great grandfather (his dad) who was serving prison time in Siberia for...wait for it...
Speaking against the Soviet Union. Yep. He spoke out against the government and for that he was banned. From society. So my last name is only three generations old. My grandpa was afraid at how he’d be treated if they found out about his dad. I take censorship personally.
So forgive me if I don’t find it something to celebrate when oligarchs (in this case big tech nerds and career politicians) pick and choose when and how to censor people. No matter who it is.
The fact is, the president being banned would be fine if it was done consistently to anyone. But it’s not intellectually honest, and any unbiased mind can see it. If they applied the same rules all around, many of us would have reason to be banned on this platform...
Which comes to the question of is it even a platform any longer? Or are these apps just publishers at this point?
It doesn’t make me happy to know that a bunch of billionaires get to decide what can and can’t be said. History has taught us all about that. And it’s upsetting to see so many people applauding without seeing the precedent being set.
So my apologies if you disagree with this or if it sounds “dangerous” in your head. But that’s what freedom is speech is. It’s dangerous. I will fight for anybody to be able to speak their minds. I believe in that.

And if you don’t, well, I guess you can just tell on me 🤷🏻‍♂️
I appreciate everyone’s fair and rational responses to my opinions, especially those who disagree with me. I appreciate discourse.
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