. @tedlieu, if you want to be California's AG, this statement is deeply, deeply troubling.

California has abolished the use of the felony murder rule for accomplices who had no intent to kill.

California is moving away from its racist "tough on crime" past. Are you? https://twitter.com/tedlieu/status/1347438726599778305
This is what current Attorney General Becerra said about the felony murder rule: https://twitter.com/AGBecerra/status/1153379794366521345?s=20
This is also what he said: https://twitter.com/AGBecerra/status/1197004256064221184?s=20
The late, great Justice Stanley Mosk, one of the greatest Attorney Generals in California and one of its greatest Supreme Court Justices rightfully called the felony murder rule "barbaric."

This was 38 years ago. We don't need an AG who wants to drag us back.
In California, not only did the Legislature, led by @NancySkinnerCA, and Governor Brown end the felony murder rule, they allowed people to come home, sometimes after decades in prison.

You are behind the times. We won't be dragged back. https://twitter.com/ChatfieldKate/status/1311510924553940993?s=20
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