bit of a serious tweet? but god only recently have i started noticing that the internet irony poisoning has been getting to my brain so much that any time i show any genuine emotions i feel like i'm not being myself and i have to learn not to do that
it's aight to present yourself on the internet in a certain way you find fitting but to let the few characteristics that define you on the internet to take over your entire human being and to let them make you feel wrong any time you don't act or feel accordingly just aint it
like ayo yeah i like being the local clown in a group of friends and i like being chaotic and loud and all those things but i've let those traits define me so much that i felt that any time i'm not one of those things that i'm not being myself and it's weird
alternatively it also made me feel like if i'm not constantly being funny or loud or entertaining that's there's nothing else to me that people can like enough to enjoy my presence so i'd just force it at times. not all the times, of course, mostly i'm just genuinely that way-
but amplifying those traits to the point of thinking that's all there is to me really just damaged my view on myself and how i'm allowed to act around people
conclusion: do what you think is right but don't forget that you're not just the image of yourself you present to people but a human being with a wide range of characteristics and emotions that you're 100% allowed to feel without feeling weird and wrong about them
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