This will be my second to last political post on social media. I knew this was coming. I have studied human psychology for decades. I have studied human history. I have witnessed first hand the realities of authoritarian Marxism. The permanent removal of President Trump from
Twitter is but the beginning. Conservatives who believe we can stay here & still communicate freely about our political beliefs without consequence are being foolish. It is bad enough that we are Christians as well. Conservatives who believe we can move elsewhere & be free are
even bigger fools. Hitler didn't start out gassing the Jews. No, he, like other tyrants, separated the undesirables from their Utopian societies first. He moved the to ghettos. From there, all could be corralled & eventually exterminated. Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, all did the same.
Parler is not the "safe-place" for conservatives.I am immediately removing my profile from their service. I work from home. So much of my work from clients to contracts is through my connections online via sites, forums, & social media. I must make a decision tonight on how
I personally will move forward with the use of these "services". I pray that most if not all of my friends here will do the same. This is the beginning. The vengeance against Trump & his team has only just begun. They will come for us next. Yes, even the housewife, the grandpa, &
the college student. You may believe I am being cowardly or being overly melodramatic. I am not. Strategic retreat in order to pick the better location for the battle is smart in war. Consider for one moment what holy shitstorm would have occurred had any tech site banned Obama
from their services in the last days of his administration. Then tell me I am being overly melodramatic. God Bless y'all.
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