1/5 May I end the week with two brief, hopeful observations shared with me representing dozens I have heard?
2/5 I spoke to many entrepreneurs, investors and journalists around the globe and there was plenty of surprise, anger, confusion and even occasional schadenfreude. But consistently there was a reminder that our institutions and democracy did well.
3/5 One consistent theme from a South American entrepreneur: “This was a hard week, but fwiw I saw chaos in your Capitol building followed by a Constitutional process ratifying a democratic election transitioning power. In the same day. Not many places this would happen.”
4/5 One professor from Jordan: “Normal citizens mobilized in Georgia and had a win - no one was thrown in jail or called in agents of a foreign country as often happens in the world today. The system did not allow anyone silenced. This almost exclusively happens in democracy.”
5/5 It is easy, maybe even at times justified, to gravitate to what divides us. But there is opportunity to unite in the great deal of what we share and in renewed confidence that, overall, our institutions are sound, and democracy is a great thing. The work is hard but doable.
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