It's funny, when a non-Black person compliments our strength, I've never thought of it more than a positive trait. Yet, we've always had to be strong. Literally, little choice. Our backs are strong because of shouldering the burden for so long. A thread.
From the time we're little, many we're asked "what you crying for?" Emotion was perceived as a sign of weakness, an exploitable fragility, a defect. Considering where we grew up, what we've seen/done, being publicly strong was always the move.
As a teen, I've seen someone leave this world and there were no tears. You construct an outer shell, a brave face, stiff upper lip. The world sees you as an unbreakable cyborg, unfazed by circumstance, grief or fatigue.

It was so much.
Systemic Racism
Intracommunity Conflict

While I can't speak for any other ethnicity, think about any Black person you know. Chances are, they've had to endure many lifetimes of events.

They're probably tired.
Many of our parents and grandparents never didn't anything but trudge forward, never missing a beat. I don't know how they did it.

Luckily, there's been a shift, or sorts.
With the advances in dialogue, talking, working through issues via dialogue, therapy or otherwise, has started to give us a different avenue.
Now, we still have to be strong. Systemic racism runs rampant (White people, that's on y'all to eradicate. Get to it) and community problems exist, but finding a channel or outlet helps.
@VeeCeeMurphy76 is one of my favorite follows here. She once said that she uses this bird app to express thoughts and opinions. Not a lie told. When we do vent, that doesn't mean White feminist types should center themselves in our mentions.
Were tough, strong, ready for whatever, because we've had to be and will have to be. Some are also tired, exhausted, and otherwise weary. It's a combination.
You can follow @TBiggsTequila.
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