We need to clear something up.

I was in DC days before the “DC Riot”. Everyone knew these protests were coming. Radio shows discussed it thoroughly. No one at all felt his call for protest was “inciting violence”. Just that he’s being a nuisance.

Annoying? Yes. Not illegal.
Now we find out via video, cops actually allowed protestors to go into congress, a building the members wouldn’t have been present in if they thought there was a legit threat of violence considering the knew days before. The subsequent events immediately lead to Trump’s SM ban
One would think he said something different than Biden and Pence in his response to the riot.

He didn’t. He literally said to keep it peaceful and respect the police. He was banned, Pence was not. A bill to remove GOP members written the day before immediately pops up.
Then Dems start impeachment talks for inciting violence.

So we’ve established he told protestors to be peaceful & respect police (and at one point told him to leave). We also know he couldn’t have sad anything inciting days ago or the literally wouldn’t have shown up to work.
But in one fell swoop, Trump is banned from both major social media platforms, Flynn is banned, walk away is banned, & I heard even Sydney Powell, Trump’s legal aid, is even banned.

Then comes the “coup”, “protect our democracy”, “domestic terrorist” rhetoric...
The former are former government officials and legal professionals, regardless of whatever party or politician they support. They literally did nothing wrong but their job
In whatever capacity that might be.

Read the articles. Their only real crime was being Trump supporter.
Mind you, this new ban and the preceding indefinite Facebook ban announced yesterday was AFTER HE ALREADY CONCEDED.

The impeachment talk was AFRER HE CONCEDED.

So what tf is the reason for all this? He’s literally leaving in less than two weeks.
I’m going to be honest with you, after seeing Biden announce his new “crackdown” on domestic terrorism today, I’m 95% positive we’re witnessing a corporate coup right in front of our eyes.

The tactics, the rhetoric, the censorship, all of it reeks of coups we’ve done elsewhere.
The reason that most of the left cannot readily identify what’s happening is because these coup’s are usually done against socialist leaders w/ socialist dominant legislatures, not right wingers or conservatives.
The reason most right can sense something is happening but don’t rly know how to articulate it within a comparative context to coup’s past, is cuz (unfortunately) most have bought into the regime change lies we’ve used to justify coup’s in other nations & don’t know real details
Understand, these democrats and especially the republicans over the last few years have cheered for the overthrow of leaders like Maduro and Morales.

They all believed those country’s elections were “rigged” but they have a more secure election than us AND more oversight.
Hell, we saw democrats actually claiming Trump was going to commit election fraud through tampering with the USPS not even 4 months ago.

Everyone from all sides knew ways to pander to their base focusing on different chinks in the electoral system.

Then ?’ing it became a sin.
Now carefully observe what these politicians like Cori Bush and AOC are saying.

“We must remove Republicans in Congress” because they “incited violence” by utilizing their proportionate constitutional authority over the electoral college?

Now? Election transparency = violence.
Once again, I have no idea who won this election and neither do you.

So when an elected congressperson utilizes their authority to challenge the EC knowing this fact, not only is it allowed and legal, it’s inciting violence? It should happen MORE often - not less.
In a 24 hour span we saw cops let in rioters, a woman get executed, the president get banned from Twitter, impeachment articles drafted, attempted expulsion of congress members, election transparency become inciting violence, political supporters now banned as “co-conspirators”
And finally, Biden promising a domestic terrorism overhaul to “crack down”.

The sense of urgency on this is MIND BOGGLING considering this is supposedly because 4 ppl died but their numbers are saying 1000’s of ppl r dying a day and they AREN’T PRESSURING ANYONE AT ALL TO HELP.
On top of that, Bezos becomes INSANELY wealthy, while having government connections and subsidies.

Elon Musk gets crazy wealthy with MORE government connections and subsidies.

And ur businesses are dying in real time as they have GRANTS to corp’s and loans to you.
And with the sporadic decisions of these governors constantly shutting their economies down, the middle class is literally being hallowed out & more and more ppl are dying from not getting care for other illnesses in time, putting more financial strain on families.
For months, in mostly Dem ran cities and/or states (because that’s where most slum lords take advantage if ppl) they ignore TWO moratoriums, one by bill and one by executive order. The Dems nor Reps say a word abt landlords violating his executive order. They’re LETTING IT HAPPEN
Oh yeah. And don’t forget, they already tried to commit an open coup via Russiagate. So they clearly have no quorums with engaging in regime change efforts on their own soil.
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