Yikes the “go home” part was in bad taste.
Callan and I talked and we disagreed, and continue to disagree, on how to approach Trump supporters.
I think adding nuance is so important so that we don’t generalize about people, perpetuate stereotypes, etc. HOWEVER... (1/3) https://twitter.com/CallanMcAuliffe/status/1347562512099594240
... we can’t ever do that to continue coddling/excusing people for their complicity in harming marginalized communities. Intent matters. But impact takes precedent over intent, any day, especially when it comes to people’s livelihoods and safety. (2/3)
So yeah, go ahead. Have those conversations to try to understand Trump supporters, especially if you’re a white person bc you have that privilege, you have that safety. But hold them accountable for their views and actions, which literally kill people. (3/3)
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