Listen, I am the biggest "God is love" starry-eyed liberal you will ever meet. I can wax poetical about the heartbeat of God in the ocean waves for DAYS. I honestly believe the greatest force in the universe is that of noncompetitive love. However. (thread)
That does not mean "anything goes." And by this, to be VERY CLEAR I am not talking about hating on LGBTQ people. I am looking straight at white Christian nationalists and their sinful idolatry. I am calling out Christian idolatry of capitalism, colonialism, white supremacy ->
racism, sexism, our exclusion of the poor and the marginalized, and our disregard for the well being of other religious groups. God is love. We are pretty dang screwed up. And if you are a priest/minister/pastor it is our JOB to call out sin. Literally our job.
Jesus looked at Peter, his best friend and chosen successor (so say our stories) and called him SATAN because Peter was more concerned with safety and power than with Jesus' mission of reconciliation (which isn't just "forgive everybody no matter what").
It is on US fellow Christian leaders to call out the sins this nation has suffered from since its inception. And to encourage all our members to grow more fully into the stature of Christ. Every one of us has our own shit to work on. Every one. However
that does not mean it is all alike. The person in your pew who needs to work on their control issues (ahem, me) and the person who *wants other people to die* are not the same. And we've got to not treat them the same.
It should be impossible for someone who agrees with Nazi ideology to sit in our pews and feel comfortable. They should be called to account. They should hear that they get to follow Jesus OR Hitler, but that if they chose the latter there is no place for them with the former.
Which isn't to say they can't be reformed. But that requires they first repent, actively change their ways, do everything they can to heal damage they caused (some kinds of damage will NEVER be healed, try anyway), before they are restored to the community.
There's precedent for this y'all. This used to be part of what Lent was about. Not only was it a time of final preparation for baptism, it was a time of final preparation for return to the community for those who "by notorious sin" had been removed from it.
That implies there are sins so grave (again, harming others; NOT being an addict or LGBTQ because some of you are confused) that the person MUST be put out of the community. And Naziism seems like a pretty clear example of such.
Some sins (Jesus implied harming children fell in this category) may mean you never get to return to the community. I'm not a bishop, thankfully that's above my pay grade. But Christians, people's LIVES are in danger because we'll condemn the "wrong" kind of sex, but not nazis.
(And here Nazi is shorthand for a whole treasure trove of right wing hate groups because Twitter is brief.) And I know, I don't like conflict any more than you do. I hate it. But we've got to get better at calling out our own who preach sin, who spread it, and who harm others.
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