Present COVID predicament wud have been averted if KKM had heeded SOP:
1 Quarantined Sabah returnees who r Super-Spreader(SS) persons
2 Re-tested returnees from Sabah PRN- SS event
3 Dealt appropriately with prison & detention centre clusters- SS event
OK! Its now water under the bridge.
BUT, their obsession with MCO will inflict collateral damage to poverty/mental health/malnutrition/domestic violence/education/kill livelihoods/explode unemployed numbers, bankrupt SMEs and run down this nation’s economy
There must be radical reform of KKM policies to embrace & operationalize Find-Test-Trace-Isolate-Support (FTTIS)
This apart from strict adherence to mask wearing, physical distancing, work from home, postponing social events and all forms of gatherings
Otherwise, we will be back in lockdown a few months later down the road.
A proportional, targeted and well calibrated MCO or circuit breaker is a VERY, VERY LAST resort, and not the first option as advocated by @KKMPutrajaya @MuhyiddinYassin
@haruno07 unroll
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