When it comes to a people - black, white, native Indian, oriental, etc. - LAND AND BLOOD are an essential element.
It was LAND AND BLOOD that gave rise to these specific groups. Could white, blond, blue-eyed people have emerged under the scorching sun of the Serengeti?
LAND AND BLOOD having given rise to different ethnic groups (i.e. to the REAL diversity), we consequently also had UNIQUE WORLDVIEWS.

[There were, of course, differences and similarities]
So, how could this precious uniqueness of each racial identity, ancestral land, spirituality and knowledge be lost?
Very simple...flood your cities with people from different countries, from different ethnic groups, and preferably those who are advocates of some Abrahamic cult.
With time, the result is invariable:
With the flooding in of immigrants of different backgrounds, your ORIGINAL ANCESTRAL KNOWLEDGE gets diluted and distorted - until it finally mutates into something unrecognizable. It's lost!

(Pic 1 - ancient Gauls)
(Pic 2 - Current "Gauls")
Of course, this cannot be attained without either mixing a people with a different race or somehow changing the Collective Memory of said people by other means.

Behold! Enter Abrahamic religions!
With the innate hatred of Abrahamic religions for everything that is SPIRITUALLY NATIVE to a race (i.e. the uniqueness that I mentioned in the beginning of this thread), added to the "We are all one and the same" that is inherent to their Desert Cult, what do we get?
Once again the obliteration of our MEMORY!

It's been part of the history of all Abrahamic cults to destroy everything ancestral and replace it with their worldview and spirituality.
So, in conclusion, whether you are black African, white European, Native Indian American, Asian, etc., tell me...

If with the flooding in of immigrants of different backgrounds, and the mixing of races, and the adoption of religions that are not that of our ANCIENT ANCESTORS...
...we completely lose our uniqueness (our ORIGINAL SPIRITUALITY, ORIGINAL RACE, ORIGINAL KNOWLEDGE, ORIGINAL AND UNIQUE MAKE-UP OF OUR LANDS, etc) only to become a homogenous mass without roots of ANY KIND....

What do we have to gain instead?


Thank you for reading!
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