Course evaluation day! Students often think faculty don't care, but we open their evaluations of us with the same hope, anxiety, worry as they open. We want to improve based on their feedback. Here's what I learned from my climate policy lecture course ....
Students liked interacting in breakout rooms. I really wasn't sure, since I wasn't in there, and relatively few shared with the whole class when we reconvened. They apparently were having great discussions (esp appreciated in pandemic). Will keep lots of that in person too.
Similarly, students really like the simulations. Again, I was unsure because they are lots of work (for students and me!). I could see the learning value, but wasn't sure they did. We were lucky topics were extra timely! More challenges tho with students in remote countries.
Students want more guidance on what I'm looking for in papers/quizzes. I perennially struggle with this. I think I'm providing rubrics in advance, but they're still unclear. Need to learn from colleagues to improve on this one!
I cover too much and put too much on my slides.
Exactly things I tell my students NOT to do. Another area for improvement ....
Students appreciate and return compassion. Sympathetic comments on my technology struggles. They got a more personal side of me teaching from home (appearances by my dog and mom) and liked that. I'll try to maintain more flexibility and understanding when we're back to campus.
They really appreciate guest lectures/panels with non-academics. No surprise there since I love them too, and have had fantastic guests over the years. This term @Tzeporah, @SethDKlein, @joiewarnock, Eugene Kung were inspiring. Thanks again to them on my students' behalf.
Last: worried that students could easily fall behind online I had weekly quizzes or little assignments. As we got into the course, I was worried it was too much, overwhelming them. Eye-opening to get only +ve feedback on that. Another lesson to carry forward to in-person class.
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