I never practiced but I have a masters degree in psychology and I can't stop thinking about the ways in which sociopathy and narcissistic personality disorder play into so much of what we saw this week, last year, the last four years. [Thread 1/7]
Let's get this out the way first. Most politicians fit these profiles and any one who wants to be president must fit it. Who else thinks they can lead 7 billion people? But most sociopaths aren't evil and even narcissists can channel their disorder for good. Then there's 45.[2/7]
He's been a few things in his life. He owns real estate. He has a branding company. But reality TV fit him best because the point is to gather eyeballs by making it impossible for the producers to turn the camera away from whatever you're up to. Hence, the last four years. [3/7]
There's debate about if narcissists even understand conventional morality. Ex. I shouldn't do that because I'll go to hell. But there's no debate that they consider their wants most important. They are the center of the universe. As long as all eyes are on them they're good.[4/7]
When I look at this week, I can't help but think we gave him exactly what he wanted: Attention. His supporters showed up and cheered him. The rest of us ignored him that day until they stormed the Capitol. Then he had our undivided attention. It doesn't matter people died. [5/7]
He doesn't care about the rioters who died, the murdered cop, the old man who drunk bleach because he told him to, the 300k+ who died from a virus that only killed like 100 people in Taiwan, Australia and Singapore combined. We're all sacrifices on the alter of his ego. [6/7]
We're on his show whether we like it or not. And that's all he wants. He was never a mastermind. He's incapable of thinking two steps ahead. But this week showed him that he'll continue to be the center of attention for tens of millions. Even when I mute all mentions of him.[End]
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