I can't get over this video, you guys. I can't even express the *depths* of racism in a society that allows one group of people to punch the window out behind the ear of a cop, but allows other cops to shoot an unarmed black man in the back 7 times.

I just can't.
I get scared when my children RUN NEAR a police officer. I can't risk my boys BUMPING INTO a cop.

And these white people just punched out a window, and not only did they *live*, but the cops walked away.
IT'S NOT FAIR. And I know that saying that is just a pathetic, useless complaint in this racist place, but it's not fair. It's not okay. It's not something that I should be expected to just SUCK UP to make white people feel better about their goddamn society.
I'm sorry the woman is dead. I am against capital punishment. I don't wish that the police had just indiscriminately open-fired on the crowd. *One* shot made them stop, you'll note. He didn't have to empty a freaking clip.

I'm not MAGA and no *grievance* can make me one...
But one America where the cops *walk away* from an armed mob of white people threatening government officials, and another one where they shoot unarmed Black children to death, IS UNACCEPTABLE.

I don't want "unity" or "healing" or "comity." I WANT JUSTICE. I WANT FAIRNESS.
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