I might have to write something longer about this; transparent demoralization appealing to people's narcissism and fear of being betrayed: "you were conned! It's an OP!" Without ever having to deal with the arguments or the claims. Especially absurd coming from DC swamp creatures https://twitter.com/bronzeagemantis/status/1347649347643695105
I think what happened is @LokiJulianus did background/detective research so well that it drove the left and some establishment creaturas insane and they try to copy him. But they have neither his research skills nor ability to also take on the substance of opponent argument
It's a cop-out from people who often themselves have questionable institutional connections or help from e.g. Adelson or etc. But that aside, there remains the fact they continue to offer nothing new, no ideas, no vision, only retreads of intelleckshual conservatism or Chomskyism
Attempt to reinterpret Trump as deliberate "con" is tactic by parts of the left, of the white nationalist right, and of the intelleckshual/Straussoid conservatives to desperately preserve their purity as "regime critics." But you can't make up for bad ideas with accusation style
The swamp creatura in the original poast is not the matter here; on appeal of The Bureaucrat I wanted to bring attention to this general style of accusation/demoralization popular on the left especially now, where to make up for deficiency in ideas and rhetoric, you scream "OP!!"
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