It's important to always understand WHY. The market isn't going up because anyone thinks the economy is going to suddenly go crazy. It isn't because the government cares about pensions or your 401k. It is 100% because the MMs in the options market have hedges they can't unwind.
The stories of inflation, rotation, reflation are all noise put out by Wall Street to attempt to justify what is really a market structure situation and nothing more.
The Fed isn't propping stocks. The Fed isn't buying stocks. The Fed IS, however, providing the liquidity for MMs to BORROW to hedge the options they're selling. MMs are trapped. In $TSLA, in $IWM, in a lot of positions.
This is far worse than most realize. It isn't about helping the economy. This is the central bank of the United States abandoning their mandate to protect a handful of billionaires making options markets who got greedy & overextended themselves...& who ex-Fed heads go to work for
When you understand that, you realize stocks aren't a government utility. They can still get hammered. And although the structure of the market is very weak, this charade can go on as long as calls keep getting bought or until we get another exogenous shock.
Special thanks to @Purge_Suddhi and @RaymondCarota for an excellent education the past two days. These two have more market knowledge than I'll have if I trade for a hundred years.
You can follow @realJosephRich.
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