You may have seen that bloke off the telly who became Prime Minister announcing schools were shutting last Monday, yet the reality on a day when 1,325 people were declared to have died of Covid-19 is they are very much OPEN (1/10)
While all in the teaching profession are willing to put their lives on the line to go to look after kids of key workers in the NHS or other vital services, UK schools are busy this week with children of second rate parents who can't be arsed to look after them (2/10)
My wife is a teaching assistant at a school and her job is to look after a child with special needs, yet now she has been called into work in a class full of kids, many of whom are there because their parents want them out of their hair (3/10)
The parent who drops kids off in the morning in gym gear and then goes home for a Zoom gym class once the annoyance of their kids has been off-loaded. The families with two parents working at home, but who still send their kids to school for someone else to look after (4/10)
The parent who claims to be a key worker because part of their firm has a small contract with an essential service and that allows them a loophole to get rid of the kids and enjoy some ME time without the hassle of their offspring (5/10)
The kind of parents who shouldn't be parents but are willing to allow other parents to potentially get Covid because they would rather stay at home and watch some daytime telly in peace, probably at our expense (6/10)
The moral of this story is the definition of ESSENTIAL WORKER is being shamefully abused by a large number of people who are not worthy to be called parents and are relinquishing their responsibilities at a time when we should all be in this together (7/10)
These cretins clearly cannot treat the rest of us with respect at a time when the nation is on its knees, so why should we be providing them with a free babysitting service that may well end with TA's bringing Covid home to their families? (8/10)
Teachers are in a lot of these classrooms as they are all working remotely, but the TA's who are being paid £400 a month have to turn up or they will be letting down their colleagues and the kids who genuinely need to be there (9/10)
This is a failure of government for allowing this half-baked lockdown to continue, but the biggest villains of this story are the parents using the system to their advantage. You know who you are and you should be ashamed of yourself. We'll leave it there (10/10)
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